Supporting other professionals





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Supporting other professionals


We do not prepare accounts or provide auditing services. We work closely with accountants, financial advisors, solicitors and other professionals who need specialist tax advice to support their own client services

We get involved when things are challenging, and when an action plan is needed to bring things to a successful conclusion. We also work with tax professionals in other jurisdictions and project manage transactions, to ensure effective implementation of the tax solutions we develop.

We are able to provide advice in the following areas:

EIIS funding services

We’re Ireland’s leading tax advisors on the Employment & Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) for both investors and investee companies.

Business start-up and expansion

We help implement tax efficient company structures to protect founders’ wealth and optimise their own return on investment in their businesses.

Buying & selling businesses

We identify all tax reliefs when buying or selling, and undertake corporate restructures, due diligence, and project management to completion.

Talent acquisition and retention

We help employers design appropriate employee share schemes and ESOPs to attract, retain and motivate key hires.

Retirement/Succession planning

We help clients make those really important decisions, by designing and implementing bespoke retirement and succession plans for them and their loved ones.

Supporting other professionals

We help accountants, lawyers and financial advisors deliver top class services, supplementing their offering with specialist tax consultancy services where needed.

Revenue audits & investigations

We help our clients and their accountants when dealing with what can be challenging, stressful and time-consuming Revenue interventions.

Ready to have a conversation?

Request a callback today and one of our team will reach out to you

Client testimonials

“We have worked closely with L&J Tax for many years. We know we can trust both Laura and Emer absolutely to provide thorough, effective tax and business advice that satisfies all our client objectives and produces results for all parties involved.”
Eamonn Shannon
"We worked with extensively with L&J Tax over the past few years. We have found both Emer and Laura to be very professional, reliable and responsive when we require advice and guidance on complex tax planning matters for our own client. We would highly recommend L&J Tax for helping fellow professionals with complex taxation matters."
Noel Tyrell
Mellett Tyrell Accountants Galway
“We have worked closely with L&J Tax for many years. We know we can trust both Laura and Emer absolutely to provide thorough, effective tax and business advice that satisfies all our client objectives and produces results for all parties involved.”
Eamonn Shannon
"We worked with extensively with L&J Tax over the past few years. We have found both Emer and Laura to be very professional, reliable and responsive when we require advice and guidance on complex tax planning matters for our own client. We woudl highly recommend L&J Tax for helping fellow professionals with complex taxation matters."
Noel Tyrell
Mellett Tyrell Accountants Galway
"Laura & Emer are our one and only ‘port in a tax storm’. OFM Solutions have sought their professional expertise and guidance on some very important and technical tax issues and we have always come away exceptionally impressed with the way they address tax problems and find solutions. An excellent team which I highly recommend."
Ciaran Walsh
OFM Solutions

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